Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Artist Quote of the Week - Pablo Picasso

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” ~Pablo Picasso


I know that when Bob is creating his art, it makes his heart and soul come alive.  The "dust" or troubles and monotony of everyday life disappear for a while and it brings him happiness and joy.                                                                          

Print of the Day, from ArtByLangston, 11/27/13

ArtByLangston's Print of the Day is....

"Peace on the Nose" by Bob Langston

"Peace on the Nose" is a giclee print, in sizes 18"x24" or 8 1/2 X 11.  It is one of the ten surf paintings from Bob's "Tribal Surf" Series from 2011. This abstract surf print captures the feeling of a peaceful, smooth, mellow nose ride on a wave somewhere in the tropics. The original surf painting is acrylic on canvas. Print is signed by the artist.

We will be taking a few days off from posting our print of the day due to Thanksgiving and an art show coming up this weekend. Will be back on Monday, the 2nd! Until then, have a Happy Thanksgiving!


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

ArtByLangston's Print of the Day, 11/26/13

Happy Tuesday to all of you! Thanksgiving is this Thursday and we at ArtByLangston hope that you have an awesome one! 

Our Print of the Day is "Cheater 5"

A giclee print that comes in sizes 18"x24" or 8 1/2 X 11. A surf print from one of the ten psychedelic paintings from Bob's "Tribal Surf" Series from 2011. 

This abstract surf print captures the stoke of "hanging five, toes over the nose" of the surfboard while riding a wave. 

The original abstract surf painting is acrylic on canvas. Of course, as always, the print signed by the artist.

Note: Due to technical difficulty, I could not upload a pic of "Cheater 5". Instead, I put the direct link in the post. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Monday, November 25, 2013

Surfboard Painting, Anyone?

Among Bob's other talents is the art of surfboard painting, using acrylic paint pens! Always a great gift idea for the surfers or lovers of surf art you have in your life!

Here are some wonderful examples of the past surfboard paintings that Bob has done, most of which hang on the walls of homes and businesses.


The first three boards that Bob finished in 2011.

Close up photos of three boards that Bob painted for
 Steve Morris, a local Virginia Beach shaper.


Here is a board that Bob painted (yes, that is Bob posing under it) on 
display in the lobby of a local movie theater here in VB, the 
Beach Movie Bistro.

This is a surfboard that Bob painted in December 2011. 
He decided to paint it with my his "tribal abstract surf" style
 that he has used for many canvas paintings, this being the result.

Some Jimi Hendrix anyone? Bob had been wanting to paint a Jimi Hendrix portrait on a board  
and got his chance during an annual board swap at a local surfshop, Austin Surfboards. 
He painted this during the event, all while playing Jimi Hendrix music on the jam box.

Slyde HandBoards is a company from California that specializes in creating 
boards specifically for bodysurfing. They sent Bob one and he painted it for them, 
this being the result (top and lower decks) I know 
it it not a surfboard but too cool not to share!

Hope you enjoy seeing what other amazing artwork my husband is capable of! One of his favorite forms of art to do!


Print of the Day From Our Etsy Store, ArtByLangston, 11/25/13: "Throwin' Spray"

Well, it is Monday again and time for another Print of the Day!

Today's Print of the Day is "Throwin' Spray"

Throwin' Spray is a giclee print, in sizes 18"x24" or 8 1/2 X 11. Another print of one of the ten surf paintings from Bob's "Tribal Surf" Series from 2011. This abstract surf print captures the energy of hard cranking, snap off the lip of the wave surfing. The original surf painting is acrylic on canvas. As always, this print is signed by the artist.

Go and check out all the other awesome surf, abstract, and ocean art prints available at ArtByLangston! You can also check out Bob's psychedelic website: TheBobZone.Com!

Looking at this print makes me miss summer! Have a good one!


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Print of the Day, ArtByLangston on Etsy - 11/23/13

What's our Print of the Day? Drum roll, please....

ArtByLangston's Print of the Day is... "Dawn Soul"

"Dawn Soul" is part of Bob's Tribal Surf Art Series from 2011.

It is a high quality giclee print, in 18"x24" or 8 1/2 X 11 and  is from one of the ten psychedelic surf paintings from his "Tribal Surf" Series. This colorful abstract surf print captures the freedom of an expressive soulful nose ride while surfing an early morning East Coast wave. The original ocean painting is acrylic on canvas. Prints are signed by the artist.

Hope that everyone has an awesome weekend! Tomorrow, there will not be a Print of the Day, so until Monday...


Friday, November 22, 2013

Artist Quote of the Week: Salvador Dali

"Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad." ~ Salvador Dali

So true! You either draw well or you don't. There is no way to cheat with a drawing. It's there for the world to see.

Why my husband is the artist and I am not. 


Print of the Day 11/22/13, From ArtByLangston: "Kona's Longboard"

Looking out the door at a beautiful, sunny day. Hope that the sun is shining down on all of you today as well.

Here we go with the Print of the Day, from our ArtByLangston Etsy store.

Our print of the day is called "Kona's Longboard". 

Always fascinated with tikis, Bob painted this whimsical figure with acrylic on thin wood, mounted to a patterned grey board. As you can see, Kona is ready for a good day of surf in the ocean, longboard under his arm and a big smile on his face. 

As always, the print is signed by the artist.

To view more of Bob's art, visit our Etsy store, ArtByLangston, where you can find a variety of prints of original paintings by Bob to enjoy. 

You can also visit Bob's official website, The Bob Zone, to see more examples of the art that Bob has created. Murals, surfboard paintings, caricatures, & more!


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Our Print of the Day from ArtByLangston, 11/21/13: "Genesis 1" by Bob Langston

Sitting here, with my coffee in hand, getting ready to share our next Print of the Day with you, from ArtByLangston

The title of the print is "Genesis 1", an abstract giclee print of an original painting that was done with acrylic on canvas. 

Bob loves painting abstracts that are full of vibrant colors. This abstract was inspired by the idea of fire and water, spinning and forming, as in the beginning of Earth's creation, which has always fascinated him. This print, like all of our giclee prints, is signed by the artist.

I leave you with a quote from one of Bob's inspirations and favorite artists, Pablo Picasso:

The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls."


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

ArtByLangston Print of the Day: "Guarded Heart" by Bob Langston

Here we are, a brand new day and a brand new pick for our Print of the Day, that is available on our Etsy store, ArtByLangston!

Print of the Day: "Guarded Heart"

This is a giclee print, available in 13" x 19" or 8 1/2 X 11. It is also a Limited Edition. This mystical abstract painting reflects the feeling of an individual's tender heart and his/her desire to protect it from harm and to guard it from being broken. The original abstract painting is acrylic on canvas. All prints are signed and numbered by Bob.

You can also check out the rest of our selection of prints, all from original paintings and sketches by Bob, while you are there! 

The BobZone also has examples of Bob's art: Paintings on canvas and surfboards, sketches he has done, skateboard decks that he has painted (even made some skateboards, deck and painting), caricatures, & more.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Print of the Day, From ArtByLangston on Etsy - 11/19/13

Took a short hiatus and we are now back with another Print of the Day from our Etsy store, ArtByLangston

The Print of the Day for today is "Zig Zag" by Bob Langston. 

"Zig Zag" is a giclee print which is a representational work of art that was inspired by another freeform sketch that Bob did while on the phone. 

He believes that this motivational painting has hidden meaning, is symbolic of the difficulty, twisting and turning nature of our fast running journey through life. It motivates people to want to get up and do something powerful in their life.

The stairway being ongoing without showing the top portrays the unkown realm at the end of it all. 

The original abstract painting is acrylic on canvas. This print is signed by artist, Bob Langston.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Our Print of the Day

Today, ArtByLangston has chosen to feature the following print as Print of the Day: "Liquid Jade".

This high quality giclee print is of an original abstract painting that Bob did in the early 2000s. One of his first paintings that he did in more recent years. 

Bob loves painting abstracts that are full of vibrant, colorful animated energy. He was inspired by a vision of colorful, molten lava emerging from a hidden doorway. 

The original abstract painting is acrylic on canvas.

You can check out this print at ArtByLangston:

While you are there, check out more of Bob's prints that are available. Bright, colorful, psychedelic surf, beach themed, fine art prints!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Print of the Day, Today and Yesterday, From ArtByLangston

Every day we feature a print of the day on our ArtByLangston Facebook page. 

Today our Print of the Day is "Sunrise Barrel", one of the ten paintings from Bob's "Tribal Surf" Series from 2011. This abstract surf painting reflects the feeling of catching a deep barrel ride at the crack of dawn on an east coast wave. This original ocean painting is acrylic on canvas. Print signed by the artist.

Yesterday, we also had a Print of the Day that I was unable to post. Print of the Day: "Jimmie Crabs". The original painting was done by commission from a friend who loves to crab on the bay here in Virginia Beach. Bob also has a love of crabbing and the ocean/bay, so he was excited when asked to paint this blue crab painting, acrylic on canvas. 

So come on over to ArtByLangston on Etsy and check out our featured prints and the other psychedelic surf and beach art prints in our shop. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

ArtByLangston Print of the Day: "Dolphins Leaping"

Every day at ArtByLangston, we have a featured Print of the Day that we like to share to give you a taste of the colorful, vibrant artwork we have available on our Etsy store. All are prints of original surf, beach and abstract paintings, as well as pen and ink sketches created by Bob.  

Today's Print of the Day is "Dolphins Leaping", a giclee print that comes in sizes 18" x 24" or 8 1/2" x 11". The inspiration for this painting was the thought that dolphins are our friends here in the surf of Virginia Beach. So Bob decided to create a painting of these playful sea creatures enjoying their time in the waves. The original ocean painting, much in the style of his Tribal Surf Series, was created using acrylic paint on gallery wrapped canvas. This is a limited edition print, so Bob signs and numbers each one that he sells. This print is limited to 100 prints.

While you are there, you can view the rest of our selection of fine art prints avaliable at ArtByLangston! 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Quote From An Inspiration to Psychedelic Art - Peter Max

Here is a quote that my husband Bob really loves, from one of his artistic inspirations over the years. Peter Max was very influential in Bob's psychedelic surf and abstract art. He was introduced to Peter's art by his aunt and has been using vibrant colors ever since.

"I never know what I'm going to put on the canvas. The canvas paints itself. I'm just the middleman."
~Peter Max, Famous 60s Artist

Bob's Sketches

Bob's Sketches